Sean Penn directed a wonderful film, Into the Wild, based on a book which was in turn written after a real story. I was shocked by the fact that a young college graduate gave all his money to charities and traveled across America to meet his death in Alaska. The pre-premiere film screening draw a huge crowd to the Tivoli Theater. I was lucky to find an empty seat in the first row even having a free pass received, as usual, from the university newspaper, and people were coming long after the movie was supposed to start. The production company also hold some sweepstakes after the film with the prize being the original book by Jon Krakauer, which I am definitely going to buy right in the theater's box-office.
As each good film does, Into the Wild made me cry. It is that kind of a movie that arises questions about human values. Is money important? If not, what is important? The protagonist, Christopher MacCandless, chose the way without money, full of adventures and interesting meetings. But it all lead to his death. And the main character is too perfect in the movie, especially in the scene where he doesn't want sex with an underage girl who loved him. Many would consider him stupid for his attitude towards money and sex. Me? I still need to think it through.
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